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let $x := <msg>affluent man</msg> return $x contains text "wealthy" using thesaurus defaultreturns true because $x contains "wealthy" that the thesaurus identified as a synonym of "affluent".The initial implementation of the thesaurus option uses the WordNet lexical database, version 3.0.The stock WordNet database files are plain ASCII text files. In many ways this is very convenient for portability, grep-ability, vi-ability, etc. However, the sum total of the files is approximately 27MB (which is quite large) and accessing the database would be inefficient since the files would have to be parsed for every access.Instead, the database files are compiled into a single binary file that is 6MB and can be efficiently accessed from Zorba using mmap(2) with no parsing of the data. The only caveat of the binary format is that it is endian-dependent, i.e., a binary file created on a computer having a little-endian CPU won't work on a computer having a big-endian CPU.
zt-wn-compile [-v] wordnet_dict_dir [thesaurus_file]
zt-wn-compile -v /usr/local/wordnet-3.0/dict
To install the wordnet-en.zth file, move it onto Zorba's library path:LIB_PATH/edu/princeton/wordnet/wordnet-en.zth that the symbolic URI maps to the WordNet implementation having a database file at the given sub-path edu/princeton/wordnet on Zorba's library path. Once a mapping is established for a symbolic URI, it can be used in a query:
let $x := <msg>affluent man</msg> return $x contains text "wealthy" using thesaurus at ""As a special-case, the from_uri can be default or ##default to allow for specifying the default thesaurus as was done for the first example on this page.
zorba --thesaurus default:=wordnet:// ...
Rel. | Meaning | WordNet Rel. |
BT | broader term | hypernym |
BTG | broader term generic | hypernym |
BTI | broader term instance | instance hypernym |
BTP | broader term partitive | part meronym |
NT | narrower term | hyponym |
NTG | narrower term generic | hyponym |
NTI | narrower term instance | instance hyponym |
NTP | narrower term partitive | part holonym |
RT | related term | also see |
SN | scope note | n/a |
TT | top term | hypernym |
UF | non-preferred term | n/a |
USE | preferred term | n/a |
let $x := <msg>breakfast of champions</msg> return $x contains text "meal" using thesaurus at "" relationship "NT"that returns true because $x contains "breakfast" that the thesaurus identified as a "narrower term" (NT) of "meal."Note that you can specify relationships either by their abbreviation or their meaning. Relationships are case-insensitive. The above query is equivalent to:
let $x := <msg>breakfast of champions</msg> return $x contains text "meal" using thesaurus at "" relationship "narrower term"Since Zorba's thesaurus is implemented using WordNet, the [ISO 2788] relationships map to WordNet relationships that are shown in the "WordNet Rel." column. WordNet relationships are explained in the next section.
Relationship | Meaning |
also see | A word that is related to another, e.g., for "varnished" (furniture) one should also see "finished." |
antonym | A word opposite in meaning to another, e.g., "light" is an antonym for "heavy." |
attribute | A noun for which adjectives express values, e.g., "weight" is an attribute for which the adjectives "light" and "heavy" express values. |
cause | A verb that causes another, e.g., "show" is a cause of "see." |
derivationally related form | A word that is derived from a root word, e.g., "metric" is a derivationally related form of "meter." |
derived from adjective | An adverb that is derived from an adjective, e.g., "correctly" is derived from the adjective "correct." |
entailment | A verb that presupposes another, e.g., "snoring" entails "sleeping." |
hypernym | A word with a broad meaning that more specific words fall under, e.g., "meal" is a hypernym of "breakfast." |
hyponym | A word of more specific meaning than a general term applicable to it, e.g., "breakfast" is a hyponym of "meal." |
instance hypernym | A word that denotes a category of some specific instance, e.g., "author" is an instance hypernym of "Asimov." |
instance hyponym | A term that donotes a specific instance of some general category, e.g., "Asimov" is an instance hyponym of "author." |
member holonym | A word that denotes a collection of individuals, e.g., "faculty" is a member holonym of "professor." |
member meronym | A word that denotes a member of a larger group, e.g., a "person" is a member meronym of a "crowd." |
part holonym | A word that denotes a larger whole comprised of some part, e.g., "car" is a part holonym of "engine." |
part meronym | A word that denotes a part of a larger whole, e.g., an "engine" is part meronym of a "car." |
participle of verb | An adjective that is the participle of some verb, e.g., "breaking" is the participle of the verb "break." |
pertainym | An adjective that classifies its noun, e.g., "musical" is a pertainym in "musical instrument." |
similar to | Similar, though not necessarily interchangeable, adjectives. For example, "shiny" is similar to "bright", but they have subtle differences. |
substance holonym | A word that denotes a larger whole containing some constituent substance, e.g., "bread" is a substance holonym of "flour." |
substance meronym | A word that denotes a constituant substance of some larger whole, e.g., "flour" is a substance meronym of "bread." |
verb group | A verb that is a member of a group of similar verbs, e.g., "live" is in the verb group of "dwell", "live", "inhabit", etc. |
class Thesaurus { public: typedef /* implementation-defined */ ptr; typedef /* implementation-defined */ range_type; class iterator { public: typedef /* implementation-defined */ ptr; virtual void destroy() const = 0; virtual bool next( String *synonym ) = 0; protected: virtual ~iterator(); }; virtual iterator::ptr lookup( String const &phrase, String const &relationship, range_type at_least, range_type at_most ) const = 0; virtual void destroy() const = 0; protected: virtual ~Thesaurus(); };For details about the ptr types, the destroy() functions, and why the destructors are protected, see the Memory Management document.To implement the Thesaurus you need to implement the lookup() function where:
phrase | The phrase to be looked-up. |
relationship | The relationship the results are to have to the phrase, if any. |
at_least | The minimum number of levels within the thesaurus to be traversed. |
at_most | The maximum number of levels within the thesaurus to be traversed. |
class MyThesaurus : public Thesaurus { public: void destroy() const; iterator::ptr lookup( String const &phrase, String const &relationship, range_type at_least, range_type at_most ) const; private: // // Define a simple thesaurus data structure as a map from a phrase to a list of its synonyms. // typedef std::list<String> synonyms_type; typedef std::map<String,synonyms_type const*> thesaurus_data_type; static thesaurus_data_type const& get_thesaurus_data(); class iterator : public Thesaurus::iterator { public: iterator( synonyms_type const &s ) : synonyms_( s ), i_( s.begin() ) { } void destroy(); bool next( String *synonym ); private: synonyms_type const &synonyms_; // synonyms to iterate over synonyms_type::const_iterator i_; // current iterator position }; }; void MyThesaurus::destroy() const { // Do nothing since we statically allocate a singleton instance of our Thesaurus. } MyThesaurus::thesaurus_data_type const& MyThesaurus::get_thesaurus_data() { static thesaurus_data_type thesaurus_data; if ( thesaurus_data.empty() ) { // // Construct thesaurus data "by hand" for this example. A real thesaurus would probably be read from disk. // Note that every list of synonyms must always include the original phrase. // static synonyms_type synonyms; synonyms.push_back( "foo" ); synonyms.push_back( "foobar" ); thesaurus_data[ "foo" ] = &synonyms; thesaurus_data[ "foobar" ] = &synonyms; } return thesaurus_data; } MyThesaurus::iterator::ptr MyThesaurus::lookup( String const &phrase, String const &relationship, range_type at_least, range_type at_most ) const { static thesaurus_data_type const &thesaurus_data = get_thesaurus_data(); thesaurus_data_type::const_iterator const entry = thesaurus_data.find( phrase ); iterator::ptr result; if ( entry != thesaurus_data.end() ) result.reset( new iterator( *entry->second ) ); return std::move( result ); } void MyThesaurus::iterator::destroy() const { delete this; } bool MyThesaurus::iterator::next( String *synonym ) { if ( i_ != synonyms_.end() ) { *synonym = *i_; // not *i_++ since post-increment is less efficient ++i_; return true; } return false; }A real thesaurus would load a large number of synonyms, of course.
class ThesaurusProvider : public Resource { public: typedef /* implementation-defined */ ptr; virtual bool getThesaurus( locale::iso639_1::type lang, Thesaurus::ptr *thesaurus = 0 ) const = 0; void destroy() const; // inherited from Resource };To implement a ThesaurusProvider, you need to implement the getThesaurus() function where:
lang | The desired language of the thesaurus. |
thesaurus | If not null, set to point to a thesaurus for lang. |
class MyThesaurusProvider : pulic ThesaurusProvider { public: void destroy() const; bool getThesaurus( iso639_1::type lang, Thesaurus::ptr* = 0 ) const; }; void MyThesaurusProvider::destroy() const { // Do nothing since we statically allocate a singleton instance of our ThesaurusProvider. } bool MyThesaurusProvider::getThesaurus( iso639_1::type lang, Thesaurus::ptr *result ) const { // // Since our tiny thesaurus contains only universally known words, we don't bother checking lang // and always return true. // static MyThesaurus thesaurus; if ( result ) result->reset( &thesaurus ); return true; }
class ThesaurusURLResolver : public URLResolver { public: ThesaurusURLResolver( String const &url ) : url_( url ) { } Resource* resolveURL( String const &url, EntityData const* ); // inherited private: String const url_; }; Resource* ThesaurusURLResolver::resolveURL( String const &url, EntityData const *data ) const { if ( data->getKind() == EntityData::THESAURUS ) static MyThesaurusProvider provider; if ( uri == uri_ ) return &provider; } return 0; }For more on URLResolver, see URI Resolvers.
StaticContext_t sctx = zorba->createStaticContext(); ThesaurusURLResolver resolver( "" ); sctx->registerURLResolver( &resolver );You can then perform a query using your thesaurus:
let $x := <msg>foobar</msg> return $x contains text "foo" using thesaurus at "";