Download Zorba


Download the 32 bits installer that contains all core and optional non-core modules.


Linux Debian packages for Zorba and for all external modules are available through a new repository: ppa:juan457/zorba.

For adding this repository to your list of know repositories use:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:juan457/zorba
sudo apt-get update

For installing Zorba use:

sudo apt-get install zorba

And for installing the external modules use:

sudo apt-get install zorba-${modulename}-module


Download the Mac OS X installer.

This installer contains Zorba with most of the external modules package and all their dependency packages based on Macports. Some external modules are not included due to missing MacPorts dependencies: schema-tools, mail and all image/animation modules.

Source Distribution

For building and installing the source distribution, download the source package and follow our build and installation instructions.