Zorba 3.0 Documentation
Warning Codes
View as XML or JSON.
This module contains one variable declaration for each diagnostic of the
http://zorba.io/warnings namespace.
The variables serves as documentation for the errors but can also
be used in the code. For example, one useful scenario is to compare
an error caught in the catch clause of a try-catch expression with one of
the variables.
$zwarn:ZWST0002 as xs:QName
This warning is reported if the declaration of a function, variable,
collection, or index contains an annotation that is not in the
http://zorba.io/annotations namespace and Zorba doesn't know how to
$zwarn:ZWST0003 as item()*
$zwarn:ZWST0004 as item()*
$zwarn:ZWST0005 as xs:QName
This warning is raised if the user explicitly enables caching
of function results (using the %an:cache annotation) but the function
is updating or its parameter and return types are not subtypes of
$zwarn:ZWST0006 as xs:QName
This warning is raised if the user explicitly enables caching
of function results (using the %an:cache annotation) and the function
is annotated as sequential or nondeterministic.
$zwarn:ZWST0007 as item()*
$zwarn:ZWST0008 as item()*
$zwarn:ZWST0009 as xs:QName
This warning is enabled when the "common-language" option is employed. It will raise warnings
for language features that are not supported by both XQuery and JSONiq grammars.