($value as xs:base64Binary, $alg as xs:string) as xs:base64Binary external
This function computes a hash value of the binary form of the given base64Binary item, i. |
($value as xs:string, $alg as xs:string) as xs:base64Binary external
This function computes a hash value of the string provided as parameter. |
($value as xs:base64Binary) as xs:base64Binary
This function computes the MD5 hash value of the binary form of the given base64Binary item, i. |
($value as xs:string) as xs:base64Binary
Computes the MD5 hash of the string provided as parameter. |
($value as xs:base64Binary) as xs:base64Binary
This function computes the SHA1 hash value of the binary form of the given base64Binary item, i. |
($value as xs:string) as xs:base64Binary
Computes the SHA1 hash of the string provided as parameter. |
declare function hash:hash-binary($value as xs:base64Binary, $alg as xs:string) as xs:base64Binary external
declare function hash:hash($value as xs:string, $alg as xs:string) as xs:base64Binary external
declare function hash:md5-binary($value as xs:base64Binary) as xs:base64Binary
declare function hash:md5($value as xs:string) as xs:base64Binary
declare function hash:sha1-binary($value as xs:base64Binary) as xs:base64Binary
declare function hash:sha1($value as xs:string) as xs:base64Binary